
We now provide Facial Aesthetic treatments and advance botulinum toxin treatments including anti wrinkle treatments, dermal filler and advance botulinum toxin treatments for prevention of tooth grinding and excessive sweating at Musselburgh Dental Care.  Please phone reception to book an appointment on 0131 665 2786. 

Dr Caroline McArdle qualified as a dentist in 2006 and trained in facial aesthetics in 2012. She has an in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy which allows her to understand the intricacies of changes that can be made to rejuvenate, beautify and achieve the look that a patient desires.  She has trained with Harley Academy in London, Inspired Cosmetic Training and Vivacy in Glasgow. Dr McArdle is extremely driven, loves challenges and continues to broaden her knowledge of treatments by training regularly on new products and techniques. 

Dr McArdle only uses medical grade products from reputable pharmaceutical providers.  If a patient has a product preference, she can more than accommodate their treatment needs.  She gets excellent results with Vivacy Stylage ranges and she is happy to use Juvederm or Teoxane products (hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, skin boosters and mesotherapy) also.  She uses botulinum toxin A to reduce wrinkles and neuromodulate muscular functions (tooth grinding and excessive sweating). The brands of Botox are Azzalure and Bocouture.  

The treatment are as painless an experience as possible, using super fine needles and canulae where appropriate.  

Dr Caroline McArdle is an extremely considerate, caring, gentle, softly spoken to patients practitioner and looks forward to treating all her patients with her expertise. 

Anti wrinkle Treatment and Advanced Botulinum Toxin A Treatments 

Before treatment is provided, you will have a consultation to discuss your concerns and likely outcomes of the treatment. 

Wrinkles can develop in the surface of skin.  Lifestyle, such as smoking and sun exposure, can increase their development, however the development is from movement of expressive muscles over time.   Treatment inlcudes wrinkle reducing injections with Botulinum Toxin such as Botox, Boccoture and Azzalure. This causes neuromodulation of the muscles and reduces movements which wrinkle the skin. This treatment can also be used to stop excessive sweating and tooth grinding/ bruxism. 

What to Expect

Small volumes are injected into the area/muscle being treated. The procedure takes 15-30 minutes. You make have a headache or flu like symptoms for 24 hours after injections.  The product does not have an immediate effect, but will develop over the next 14 days.  After 6-8 weeks you will notice some movement starting to return which will increase until 12 weeks.  As the effect is temporary, repeated treatments can be carried out every 3-6 months.  Facial anatomy is not symmetrical and you may find results vary, please get in touch with your practitioner if you have any questions. 

Areas treated – Upper Face – Frown lines, Forehead Lines and Crows feet 

  • Advanced areas – Gummy Smile, Bunny Lines, Orange Peel Chin, Down turned Mouth, Nose Tip Lift, Neck Bands, Bruxism or Cheek Slimming, Excessive Sweating 

Prices: Upper Face:   One Area – £130 

                                        Two Areas – £170 

                                        Three Areas – £220 

Botox (Allergan Product) – £40 Additional charge; prices for advanced areas on discussion with your practitioner. 

Anti wrinkle Treatment Aftercare 

Avoid alcohol, aspirin and exercise for 24 hours after.  Avoid touching the area, however a gentle use of normal cleanser and moisturiser the evening after treatment is suitable care.  Extreme temperatures including saunas, steamrooms and facials should be avoided for 7 days after treatment.  It is normal to have small bruises at the injection site after treatment, which may give a headache the next day. Use daily SPF50 to prevent continued sun damage. 

Dermal Filler Treatment

A consultation will be carried out with your practitioner before treatment is carried out.  Please feel free discuss what you would like to achieve and any questions you may have during this time. 

Dermal fillers are used in facial aesthetics to redefine features and replace lost volume or fullness. Dermal fillers are hyaluronic acid based gels and are placed by injection or by cannula.  Treatment takes between 30-90minutes depending on the procedure.  This is a substance that naturally exists in your body and is lost over time. There are a number of different products types with varied properties.  Your desired outcome will be tailored to address your concerns raised.  Patients may wish to reduce the appearance of unwanted lines or wrinkles, contour features and create volume.  Hyaluromnic Acid has the added benefit of rehydrating and revitalising your skin. Dermal fillers are not permanent and last between 6-24 months depending on area treated, product used and personal lifestyle. 

What to expect  

The product is injected under the skin in the desired area. Most people continue with normal activities with immediate improvement in their appearance after dermal filler placement. You will be aware of the product for 4 weeks after the treatment while it integrates, however swelling only usually last for a few days after the procedure. It is common to have some redness, pin prick marks, bruising and swelling (especially with lips) during this time.  Assymetry is often present in underlying anatomy.  This maybe the reason for dermal filler placement but it can difficult to remove completely.  Results can vary from person to person.  Please do not hesitate to contact your practitioner if you have any concerns. 


Smooth and Hydrate  

Lip enhancement or injectable moisturiser and 3 areas of anti wrinkle treatment 

LiQuid Lift packages  

LiQuid Lift are non-surgical packages which allow precise tailoring of your treatment. During your consultation we will discuss specific areas you would like to address and develop a package that is designed for you.  Three options of treatment (Lite, Lift or Luxe) allow you to choose the level that is right for you. The following areas are commonly raised and can be treated in combination to give you the best possible results. 

  • Lip Enhancement or Rejuvenation 
  • Cheek Sculpting and Midface Volume Lift 
  • Jawline Definition and Jowling 
  • Chin Augmentation 
  • Nasolabial folds (shadow from nose to lip) 
  • Marionette lines (shadow from lips to jaw) 
  • Tear Trough 
  • Injectable Moisturiser 

Rejuvenation of your profile comes from returning balance to the ‘triangle of youth’ and and redefining your profile. Precise placement of dermal filler replaces volume that is lost over time and can rejuvenate a tired or aged appearance. Treatment of Lips and lines from nose to lip and lip to chin beautifies lifts facial features.  Lifting the cheeks and smile refreshes your midface structures, while defining the chin and jawline, where loose skin can lead to jowls, gives a tighter and youthful appearance to your lower face outline. These treatments can reduce appearance of deep tear troughs. Injectable moisturiser hydrates skin reducing fine lines to smooth and brighten the appearance of dry or dull skin. While maintenance is required, typically results last around 6-24 months, depending on areas treated. 

Dermal filler placement by a medically trained healthcare professional allows safe treatment of these complex areas. These treatment takes 1-2 appointments. 


  • LiQuid Lift Lite £500  
  • LiQuid Lift £720  
  • LiQuid Lift Luxe £995  
  • Smooth and Hydrate £370 
  • Lip Hydration £160 
  • 1ml £200 
  • 2ml £380 


Dermal Filler Aftercare

If you notice severe pain, mottling or coldness or greying of skin within the first 3 days after treatment with dermal filler please get in touch with your practitioner immediately.  They may wish to see you for a review. Emergency Contact for Dr Caroline McArdle is 07483342808. 

After treatment with dermal filler avoid make up and touching the area for 12 hours to prevent infection. Be gentle and do not massage the treated areas. Avoid alcohol, aspirin and exercise for 24 hours after. Avoid sun beds and saunas and wear SPF 50 daily to prevent sun damage.  With lip treatments, swelling may be increased the next morning and they may appear uneven, this usually subsides over the next few days. Please contact if redness, tenderness, itching or swelling worsens after 3 days, rather than settling. 

Elective Dissolving

You may decide to dissolve dermal filler after it has been placed, if a change is desired. Dermal filler is semi permanent and can be dissolved using an enzyme called hyaluronidase.  A solution of hyaluronidase and saline is injected into the area where the filler has been placed to reverse previous procedures. 

What to Expect 

A consultation will be carried out with your practitioner prior to the treatment being carried out.  A skin test will be carried out to check for a risk of allergy.  The solution is injected under the skin, into the area where you want to remove dermal filler from.  This can be an irritant and redness or swelling can occur for a few days after the procedure.  The procedure takes 30-45 minutes. 

Price: £130 



Dermal filler is generally dissolved within a few minutes of the treatment, however several milliters of the dissolving solution will have been injected. After you have dermal filler dissolved with hyaluronidase you are likely to be swollen or puffy in the areas that have been treated and near by for 5-7 days after treatment.  Hyaluronidase is an irritant and can make areas red for a few days after use.  If you notice any signs of allergy or you have a history of allergy to bee stings or insect bites please inform your practitioner. 

Injectable Moisturiser 

This treatment hydrates and revitalises the appearance of dull skin, lifting fine lines. Vivacy Hydro is a non cross linked hyaluronic acid gel which tightens and rejuvenates skin. 

Injectable moisturisers are a type of deep mesotherapy.  Areas commonly treated include skin under eyes, around the mouth and the neck. 

What to Expect 

Injectable moisturisers injections are generally pain free, if you feel discomfort topical numbing cream can be applied.  The gel is injected subdermally in very small amounts, leaving a number of small bumps on the skin for 48 hours after treatment.  A course requires 2 or 3 treatments 3-4 weeks apart.  These can be repeated every 6 months. 


  • Hydro £100/1ml  
  • A course of 2 or 3 sessions are required 3-4 weeks apart and can be repeated every 6 months.